Inclusion Matters: Disability Inclusion Workshop with Lisa Drennan of MERGE

Disability Inclusion Workshop Presented by Lisa Drennan of MERGE Consulting
The Deets
Who: Lisa Drennan of MERGE Consulting will host a training for Butte County professionals, for ELEMENTS Youth Advisory Council members, and for partners of the Outdoor Education for All network. This training is NOT for the public at this time.
What: A disability inclusion workshop - including a lite meal and OEFA networking.
Where: The Terry Ashe Recreation Center 6626 Skyway, Paradise CA 95969
When: Monday, September 11th, 2023 from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Why: As granted through the Far Northern Regional Consortium grant, MERGE consulting will educate partners in the OEFA network to ensure that best practices, safety protocol, and positive experiences accompany the participants to the excursions, adventures, meetings, events, and social gatherings that are offered in Butte County, through the Elements Program, and amongst the OEFA partners.
How: A workshop! Want to know a little more about Lisa and MERGE? Check out this link