
Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu is a traditional style of Jujitsu. It teaches balance between body, mind, and spirit. It includes information on tumbling and falling skills to protect you from falls, blocking skills to protect you from attacks, escape techniques, and joint locks and striking to subdue an attacker. The class will include kicking techniques, grappling skills, and advanced self defense when you get proficient at the basics. Jujitsu means “the gentle art” and is for the individual that wants to become safe, confident, and peaceful.
Instructor: Sensei Harry Burleson
Dates: Wednesdays, 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Location: Terry Ashe Recreation Center, 6626 Skyway, Paradise, CA 95969
Ages: Adults (16 and up)
Fee: $45 per month (Plus a one time $80 dollar payment to instructor for uniform and membership)
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