Agents of Discovery

Do you love to be outdoors? Do you love to learn new things? If so, then try our new program using a mobile app. Agents of Discovery (AOD) is an exciting, augmented reality mobile app that gets you moving and learning in one of our parks. Ernie the Eagle needs your help exploring our parks on the ridge, come and give him a hand!
If so, we can incorporate AOD into one of the many field trips we offer. Our AOD missions offer scientific content, historical content, cultural content and social emotional learning. All of our AOD missions can be used in conjunction with our field trips that focus on team building, social emotional learning and healing trauma through nature. Use the form below to contact us for details about our field trips.
If you are not interested in one of our field trips than please use the Agents of Discovery to explore our parks without our facilitation.
Are you heading to one of our parks for some outdoor time?
Then please use AOD to interact with one of our parks and learn new things while exploring. See directions below for downloading and using the app.

Download & Play Now

1) Download the app and create your Agent profile.
2) Pick a Mission in your area or go to the Mission Conservation website to find a play-at-home Mission. If you plan to play a Mission located away from home, download the Mission BEFORE heading to it, so you can play without WiFi or a data connection.
3) Use your Secret Agent skills to find and unlock Challenges.
4) Solve Challenges to learn cool facts and collect USBees (points)!
Our current missions are: Terry Ashe Recreation center - In the Heart of Paradise & Bille Park - Get moving and Keep Learning. Our missions will rotate through our different parks every couple of months, so keep an eye on our Facebook page to see where the latest missions are at.
If you have any questions please contact us or come to the Terry Ashe Recreation Center.
Phone: (530) 872-6393