Doom the Broom
Doom the Broom has started! Mutiple days and locations to join us. The event calander has options to choose from, just sign up and your good to go.
Love cooler, hoodie weather?
Don't mind digging your hands in the dirt?
Fall and Winter is the season for invasive plant removal! Weed wrenches are warmed up, and we could use extra hands to tackel non-native invasives such as broom.

What is Broom?
A non-native invasive to our area that has been overwhelming our parks and properties. It’s time to tackle it. One of many methods is to pull it out, root and all! We have tools to do the job.
Why remove it?
- Displaces native vegetation/species that help promote natural ecological systems.
- Reduces biodiversity and forage.
- Alters the fundamental nature of habitats by converting it from open systems to dense shrub lands. Deer can't get to the creek if a thick wall of brush is blocking it.
- Fire hazard.

