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Gentle Yoga classes in Paradise, Mon 5-6pm, Fri 1-2pm. Instructor: Gina Bartiromo. $6 per class. Bring yoga mat, blocks, towel, water.

This gentle yoga class offers a stretch oriented, gentle approach to practicing yoga with minimal up and down movement. This teaching style invites a body focused practice allowing you to tune in to your body and breath, encouraging reconnection with the body through mindful movement. Beginners are welcome, but some yoga experience is helpful.

Instructor: Gina Bartiromo 

Dates: Mondays 5:00 - 6:00 pm , Fridays 1:00 - 2:00 pm

Location: Terry Ashe Recreation Center

Ages: Adults 

Fee: $6.00 per rclass (pay at each class)

A poster for a Gentle Yoga class in Magalia with details on schedule, location, requirements, and contact info.

Dates: Tuesdays 5:30 - 6:30 pm

Location: Magalia Community Center

Ages: Adults

Fee: $7.00 per class (pay at each class)